September 16, 2011

baby shoes workshop

Usually I spend at least twelve hours ahead on preparation,just be.cause I am slow and it always come up with better idea in the last momment.

I find it easier in handling a small group, saying four to seven people.

It's kind of a way to keep the quality and I cloudn't imagine how terrible it will be if I am the only person to teach in a big group with my weak voice. It's also a problem if there are only two or three girls in a sewing class because less people always bring less idea and silly jokes. And the reason of having a standard size of group is for all to share their thoughts and bringing out the difficulties in sewing. It's never a bad thing to tell us your weaknesses or ridiculas thoughts, because that's just the thing we need to share, and it's the key of handmade. It's more worthy in joining a group than a one to one class. The price of these workshop is not about the money you paid but the thing you gain. Not getting something in solid, but the technique you learn and everything that people share in the group.

Lately I spent very little time on my personal stuff, so many things that has been waiting for me for weeks still haven't been done yet. and hopefully I can get more holiday in Oct.

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